Krugman, Paul R.

The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the Twentieth Century - New York, W.W. Norton, 2004 - 516 pages - A1 63

This national bestseller from one of our most important political commentators chronicles the dangers of an administration that has raised dishonesty to dizzying heights. Award-winning economist Paul Krugman exposes the devastating facts that speak for themselves. From identifying the flaws in George W. Bush's economic plans, to telling the story behind California's energy crisis, to revealing the administration's reasons for going to war in Iraq, Krugman offers compelling justification for his criticisms and sets the first years of the twenty-first century in a stark new light. This up-to-date edition includes a new introduction and other material that reflect the events of 2004.


economic conditions
economic policy
monetary policy

Deutsche Post Stiftung
Istitute of Labor Economics
Institute for Environment & Sustainability

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